
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Power of Video Marketing for Small Business

Video marketing is experiencing shine on most digital channels these days. Especially, if you consider Facebook’s recently autoplay video content, with video content, you can tell a story and get a message across much quicker than audio or text-based content. Whether video marketing will work for your business, particularly, is also dependent on your target audience.  This article will look at the advantages of using video content as a marketing tool for small businesses. Narrate Your Story  Video marketing allows your small business to tell their story through visual aesthetics. Whether you are sharing information, the latest happenings in the office or interviews with customers and team members, video marketing will add credibility to your brand. With video content, the viewer gets a glimpse into the life of the company and see them as ‘people’ instead of a ‘faceless’ brand. Going Viral One of the great benefits for small businesses is how much ex...

Knock! Knock! Who’s There? Your Camera!

Is film making a hobby of yours? You may also plan of making this as your profession, which is amazing! Now the question that arises is how well do you know your equipment? Your camera, lens, Filters etc. It is important to know about all these things. Different types of video or photographs need different cameras to get the desired results. You need to know what exactly you need. You’ll never be able to find anything you need if you don’t know you’re required equipment. In this post, We’ll be discussing the important things regarding the camera for corporate film making and fashion photography . Now Which camera should you purchase?   You can shoot a film with a Canon 80D or even an iPhone, but you can also shoot with an Arri Alexas if you look around, if you’ll find cameras of sorts of colors, sizes and price ranges. They exist because people are still buying them. If you compare cameras on YouTube, you’ll find videos comparing the iPhone to a red camera. Although, ...

Tips on How to Setup a Video Production Studio

If you think that setting up and running a video production studio is pleasant and simple, then you made a mistake. It is undoubtedly fun, but it is not exactly easy. You need a strong passion and aim at continuing the business despite the challenges you face. Firstly, it is better to find suitable people to help you setup the studio like friends who share the same interest or a person who is already running a studio of his own. If you wish to do it alone here, we are, with tips to help you setup the studio. All the equipment is available for different budgets. So it takes only your interest to start the video production studio. One should know different softwares and hardwares to run the studio successfully. A modern camera is the essential instrument you need if you are setting up a studio. If you are wealthy there are many cameras out in the shops, choose wisely. But if you are on a budget, be wiser in selecting your camera. A camera costs low will not have all the features ...

32 Youtube Video Ideas

YouTube has over a billion users worldwide. So, it’s essential to make a YouTube channel if you want to build a following for your brand, globally. But with so many video formats present in the niche, it formulates as a struggle to know which YouTube video idea will be the best and supportive for your brand.     Well, struggle no more! TheJigsaw a video production company has assembled a list of the most creative YouTube video ideas in almost every niche. It’s ranging from general videos to gaming videos. GENERAL YOUTUBE VIDEO IDEAS:       Give your introduction video. Who are you? What do you do? What’s the first thing that the people should know about you? How you developed the concept of a YouTube Channel? This is the video where you can answer all these questions and make your viewers know about you.        Make a quick channel intro that outlines t...

Introduction to the Art of Video Editing

The art of video editing involves the practice of editing sections of motion video footage and combining them with both some special effects and perhaps a soundtrack. Doing this at home once was not only extremely time-consuming and highly complicated; it was also costly. Nowadays, with the availability of relatively inexpensive and advanced technology, this practice can be within anyone’s reach, be it as a career or just for fun. Nowadays, the entire process can be relatively simple with the right expert advice and the right equipment. For this, there are several options available with regards to both expert advice and training programs. The necessary skills will generally be reasonably wide-ranging and will include not only getting to grips with all the technical skills but lots of other skills besides. Suffice to say, depending on how far an individual is looking to go with the practice, be it just as a hobby or a profession, the training can be fairly extensive. In real...